
@interface VBDOfflinePack : NSObject

An VBDOfflinePack represents a collection of resources necessary for viewing a region offline to a local database.

To create an instance of VBDOfflinePack, use the +[VBDOfflineStorage addPackForRegion:withContext:completionHandler:] method. A pack created using -[VBDOfflinePack init] is immediately invalid.

  • The region for which the pack manages resources.



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) id<VBDOfflineRegion> _Nonnull region;
  • Arbitrary data stored alongside the downloaded resources.

    The context typically holds application-specific information for identifying the pack, such as a user-selected name.



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) NSData *_Nonnull context;
  • The pack’s current state.

    The state of an inactive or completed pack is computed lazily and is set to VBDOfflinePackStateUnknown by default. To request the pack’s status, use the -requestProgress method. To get notified when the state becomes known and when it changes, observe KVO change notifications on this pack’s state key path. Alternatively, you can add an observer for VBDOfflinePackProgressChangedNotifications about this pack that come from the default notification center.



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) VBDOfflinePackState state;
  • The pack’s current progress.

    The progress of an inactive or completed pack is computed lazily, and all its fields are set to 0 by default. To request the pack’s progress, use the -requestProgress method. To get notified when the progress becomes known and when it changes, observe KVO change notifications on this pack’s state key path. Alternatively, you can add an observer for VBDOfflinePackProgressChangedNotifications about this pack that come from the default notification center.



    @property (readonly, nonatomic) VBDOfflinePackProgress progress;
  • Resumes downloading if the pack is inactive.

    A pack resumes asynchronously. To get notified when this pack resumes, observe KVO change notifications on this pack’s state key path. Alternatively, you can add an observer for VBDOfflinePackProgressChangedNotifications about this pack that come from the default notification center.

    When a pack resumes after being suspended, it may begin by iterating over the already downloaded resources. As a result, the progress structure’s countOfResourcesCompleted field may revert to 0 before rapidly returning to the level of progress at the time the pack was suspended.

    To temporarily suspend downloading, call the -suspend method.



    - (void)resume;
  • Temporarily stops downloading if the pack is active.

    A pack suspends asynchronously. To get notified when this pack resumes, observe KVO change notifications on this pack’s state key path. Alternatively, you can add an observer for VBDOfflinePackProgressChangedNotification about this pack that come from the default notification center.

    If the pack previously reached a higher level of progress before being suspended, it may wait to suspend until it returns to that level.

    To resume downloading, call the -resume method.



    - (void)suspend;
  • Request an asynchronous update to the pack’s state and progress properties.

    The state and progress of an inactive or completed pack are computed lazily. If you need the state or progress of a pack whose state property is currently set to VBDOfflinePackStateUnknown, observe KVO change notifications on this pack’s state key path, then call this method. Alternatively, you can add an observer for VBDOfflinePackProgressChangedNotification about this pack that come from the default notification center.



    - (void)requestProgress;