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Workshop on network management and control losses in the water supply sector in 2012

10/20/2014 3:59:03 PM | admin | News

  • On 22/03, 24-25 / 05 2012, Co., Ltd. Vietnam - Denmark VidaGIS collaboration with EnviDan Company of Denmark and DHI Seminar "Technology network management and reduce losses in water sector "in 4 companies: - Water Supply Corporation Saigon - SAWACO, - A limited liability company member Haiphong Water Supply, - A limited liability company member water Hanoi - A limited liability company member Hanoi Water 2.

  • Participants include leaders and technical staff of 4 on the water company. The workshop provides information on GIS technology, the advanced technology of Denmark in network management and reduce losses in the water supply sector.

    With the basic contents:

    1. Technology reduces water loss Danish "Smart Work"

    2. GIS in network management and reduce losses

    • These steps apply GIS technology
    • Some salient features of the network management system
    • The project was implemented VidaGIS

    3. Technology network management model Mike Urban

    • Management and network models
    • Construction of hydraulic network models
    • Warning leak and decision support

    The workshop staff to discuss the difficulties as well as the actual current state of water supply companies, as well as set out the advantages and difficulties in access to GIS technology. The conference wraps up after VidaGIS staff as well as DHI answer questions and record comments by the water company.
    Some pictures:

    Ông Khang khai mạc hội thảo tại SAWACO

    Mr. Kang opened the workshop at SAWACO


    Ông Jens và Ông Thành nói về công nghệ Smart Work trong lĩnh vực giảm thất thoát tại HNWS

    Jens said he and Mr Thanh Work Smart technology in the field of loss reduction in HNWS


    Ông Morten và Ông Thành giới thiệu về hệ thống hỗ trợ ra quyết định giảm thất thoát WDMS

    Mr. Morten and Mr. The system introduces a decision support NRW WDMS

    Ông Morten và Bà Hạnh nói về công nghệ xây dựng mô hình mạng lưới

    Mr. and Mrs. Hanh says Morten technology to build the network model


    Các can bộ Công ty trách nhiệm hữu hạn một thành viên cấp nước Hải Phòng

    The involvement of a limited liability company a member of Hai Phong Water Supply